
A Karanten Zona (2022) Unofficial Hindi Dubbed 720p Dowanload

September 4, 2022 WWE TV Shows
A Karanten Zona (2022) Unofficial Hindi Dubbed
IMDb RATING;6.6/10
Writer:Dániel Indi Zsótér
Stars: Erzsi Pásztor,Újréti,Eszter Ónodi,Tünde Majsai-Nyilas
Language: Hindi (UnOfficial + English (ORG)
Quality: Web-HD | 1080p
story:In the quarantine people’s living space was limited to a few square meters. In the 5-episode sketch film irrationality moves into the character’s everyday life without being noticed. They not only have to struggle with the unfamiliar circumstances but also the stranger living hidden inside of them. On the way to The Quarantine Zone the narrator holds the hand of the audience. With his help we explore the absurdity of social loneliness, the good and bad side of relationships, old people’s lives and the challenges of digital education.

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